Say Hello to Your Advisors

Meet TSC's advisors below. To find your assigned advisor, visit your Workday and find the Academic and Advising Hub in your top apps. You can request an appointment with your advisor here.

Phillip Bryant Headshot

Phillip Bryant

Career and Academic Advisor

[email protected] 


Tamares Cockfield photo

Tamares Cockfield

Career and Academic Advisor

[email protected]


Amanda Gorman Headshot

Amanda Gorham

Career and Academic Advisor

[email protected]

Tonya Hardaway photo

Tonya Hardaway

Career and Academic Advisor

[email protected]

Emily Micik photo

Emily Micik

Director, Academic Advising

[email protected]


 Terrance Roulhac Headshot

Terrance Roulhac

Career and Academic Advisor

[email protected]


Bradley Ryan Headshot

Bradley Ryan Harrison

Career and Academic Advisor

[email protected]

Teneil Threatts photo

Teneil Threatts 

Career and Academic Advisor

[email protected] 


 Victor Carrasquilla photo

Victor Carrasquilla

Workday Business Analyst 

[email protected]  


Kim English photo

Kim English

Career and Academic Advisor

[email protected]

Tim Roberts photo

Tim Roberts 

Career and Academic Advisor

[email protected]

Dale Thomas Headshot

Dale Thomas

Applied Science and Technology
Pathway Advisor and TSC Online Advisor

[email protected] 

Antoinette Collier Headshot

Antoinette Collier

Applied Science and Technology

Pathway Advisor

[email protected]

Christy Ulrich Headshot

Christy Ulrich

Applied Science and Technology

Pathway Advisor

[email protected]

Ken Tellis Headshot

Ken Tellis

Associate Dean, Healthcare


[email protected] 

Greg Rice Headshot 

Greg Rice

Academic Advising Assistant

[email protected]


Dr. Renee Gordon Headshot

Dr. Renee Gordon

Director, Honors Programs

[email protected]

Leon Keochanthanivong Headshot

Leon Keochanthanivong 

Veterans Success Center Coordinator

[email protected]


Mary Cate Gordon

Career and Academic Advisor

[email protected] 


Advisor Catherine

Career and Academic Advisor

[email protected] 


Advisor Meredith

Career and Academic Advisor

[email protected]



Manager of Career Services

and Specialized Student Support

Additional Advisors and Contacts

If you are in the Criminal Justice, Early Childhood, or Paralegal Program at TSC:

Advisor: Mr. Dale Thomas 

CT Building is across from the Learning Commons.

TSC Online Advisor

[email protected]

To schedule an appointment in Workday, go to TSC Advisor Connection.

If you are seeking a Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, or Bachelor of Science in Exceptional Student Education at TSC:

Advisor: Associate Dean, Dr. Tricia Rizza

Office is located in Academic Affairs, the second floor of the Administration Building

Bachelor’s Degree Advisor

[email protected]

(850) 201-8045

If you are in an Associate of Science degree-seeking program:

Antoinette Collier
[email protected]
AV-AST Advising Group 1

  • Accounting Technology
  • Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity Operations
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence
  • Engineering Technology and Design
  • Business Management
  • Network Systems Technology
  • Honors

Dale Thomas
[email protected]
AV-AST Advising Group 2 & TSC Online

  • Sports, Fitness, and Recreation Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Unmanned Vehicle Systems
  • Office Administration
  • Computer Related Crime Investigations
  • Crime Scene Technology
  • Early Childhood Education (Online Program)
  • Criminal Justice Technology (Online Program)
  • Paralegal (Oline Program)

Christy Ulrich
[email protected]
AV-AST Advising Group 3

  • Medical Office Administration
  • Building Construction Management
  • Energy Management and Controls Technology
  • Computer Programming and Web Development
  • Drafting and Design Technology
  • Digital Media
  • Animation and Game Art
  • Game Development Design

If you have been “accepted” into a Healthcare Program at TSC:

Advisor: Associate Dean Dr. Ken Tellis

Office is located at the Ghazvini Center for Healthcare Education.

Healthcare Professions

[email protected]

(850) 558-4572

If you utilize our Student Accessibility Services:

Offices are located in TPP Building, Room 141

Call to Schedule an appointment (850) 201-8430:

Advisor: Lekita Crapp                                                

[email protected] 


Advisor: Natasha Mitchell 

[email protected] 

If you are an International Student (F1):

Ivonne Narvaez, Coordinator of International Student Services

Office is located in the Advising Center

[email protected]

If you are a Veteran and Affiliated (dependent):

Advisor: TBA

Academic Advising assistance:

  1. The Advising Center, Student Union 2nd  Floor
  2. Registration Help Sessions
  3. Eagle Q

Monday-Thursday   8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Friday  9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

If you are in a Workforce Program (Advanced Manufacturing, Truck Driving-etc):

Contact Workforce Development by phone at (850) 201-8760 or by e-mail at [email protected]

If you are in Florida Public Safety Institute (FPSI) for Fire, Corrections, or Law Enforcement:

Florida Public Safety Institute

Phone:(850) 201-7000

If you are a dual-enrolled high school student:

Dual Enrollment Program

Office is located in Admissions & Records, Student Union Building, second floor. Room 246

Email:  [email protected]

If you are a Non-degree seeking OR Transient student:

You do not have an assigned advisor.  The Office of Admission & Records handles transient requests and overrides for registration.